47 – I Remember How To Normal

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
47 - I Remember How To Normal

28.09.18 – Taken back to the realities of the “normal” world by an expected visit.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Audrey is Clara Palmisano.

I DID IT! I DID IT! I MOTHER FRICKING DID IT! (Bonus points for anyone who sang that in their head) New episode plus apology, hope you enjoy.

Outro-music: “Break Through” from: http://www.freesfx.co.uk, soundeffects are – as usual – by me

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com

Bonus Episode #3 – Breakdown

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Bonus Episode #3 - Breakdown

Right after her talk with Reaper, many things weigh on Emilia.

Emilia is voiced by Esther Reisenberger, Martin is voiced by Lukas Kuhl.

Sorry this one only turned out a bonus episode, but like I said, you’re getting content, so I hope this tides you over – next time (aka today in two weeks) will be a propper episode again. Enjoy!

That one crashing sound: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

As allways, here is the webpage for more info: www.normally-ordinary.com

46 – Occupational Hazards

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
46 - Occupational Hazards

21.09.18 – There is no progres without failure and Emilia tinkers to occupy her mind.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger, the voice of Diane Chester is Iris Reisenberger.

Pretty sure I didn’t use any soundeffects from: http://www.freesfx.co.uk, but I’m leaving this here just to be safe.

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com

Bonus Episode #2 – on the phone

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Bonus Episode #2 - on the phone



This is all me and a bit of a rush job, but I needed to put something out there. I’m too lazy to put a full description at the moment. I’m working on it. More content soon.

Thanks for sticking with me.




For anyone wondering enough about why there have been no new episodes for a while (even though I said there would be) to come read this, here’s what’s happening. Turns out I’ve got more stress with graduating than I expected. I am still working on the show, but I’ve had to make it second or even third priority all the time lately, so I haven’t finished any new episodes, and I’m sorry for that. Fear not, however, they will contine. The next episode might come any time next month and if not there should be a few new episodes as well as some bonus episodes in March. I don’t know how stressfull it’s going to be after that, and I don’t want to make any promises, so I can only say for certain that I will get back into a routine of episodes in July. I hope you stay with me, or come back eventually I guess, because there’s a whole lot more from Em and the Gang and I’d hate for you to miss it. New characters, voices, plot reveals, NEMESIES and everything!

And remember, behind every mask is a big


and a little


45 – Reaper-rupted

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
45 - Reaper-rupted



07.09.18. – Getting back into the Apartment and all the annoyances there. A new player has arrived.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger, the voice of the Reporter is Viktoria Trefalt.

Outro and raygun blast from: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com

Bonus Episode #1 – INI

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Bonus Episode #1 - INI



16.09.18 – Normal Day at INI HQ

The voice of The Twins is Iris Schafhauser, the voice of Audrey is Clara Palmisano.

Intro thing: “Break Through” as well as Stargirls fluttery cape from http://www.freesfx.co.uk

The other effects I recorded myself. Promise.

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


Bonus Episode #1

Recap and Season 3 Trailer: Super

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Recap and Season 3 Trailer: Super



??.??.??. (some time 2019) – Looking for an answer and discussing the past.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger, the voice of Audrey is Clara Palmisano.

Outro: “Break Through” from http://www.freesfx.co.uk

The other effects I recorded myself. Promise.

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


Recap and Season 3 Trailer: Super

Change the World (Song)

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Change the World (Song)



Normally Ordinary Song “Change the World”

Lyrics by Esther Reisenberger

What little of a Guitar there is by the combined efforts of Esther Reisenberger and Clara Palmisano

Sung by Esther Reisenberger and Clara Palmisano

Arranged by Clara Palmisano

find out more at www.normally-ordinary.com


Change the World (Song)

Announcement #1

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
Announcement #1



A short announcement about the future of Normally Ordinary:

  • Song coming next week
  • Trailer Season 3 after that
  • Episode after that
  • Now two week gaps between episodes
  • Weard stuff might show up in the N.O. feed – experience at your own risk


Announcement #1

43 – Hiding somewhere else for a change.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
43 - Hiding somewhere else for a change.



31.08.18. – Problems with Gordon are escalating and I’m looking into villains.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger, the voice of Mangler Maniac is Ratmar Reisenberger and the voice of Gordon is Lukas Steger.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


43 – Hiding somewhere else for a change.

42 – I know you now.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
42 - I know you now.



24.08.18. – My new roomie and old boyfriend are both a lot of trouble.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger and the voice of Gordon is Lukas Steger.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


42 – I know you now.

41 – Recording with the real hero.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
41 - Recording with the real hero.



17.08.18. – In London with my sister. Finally away from it all.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Audrey Travis is Clara Palmisano.

The sound effect is by a zucchini.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming start of next month (probably))

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


41 – Recording with the real hero.

40 – Old things but new.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
40 - Old things but new.



10.08.18. – My new roommate is adjusting and so am I.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


40 – Old things but new.

39 – Breaking point.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
39 - Breaking point.



03.08.18. – Tensions and emotions are high.

*At arround 6 min into the episode, there are loud noises. You’ve been warned.*

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger, the voice of Gordon is Lukas Steger and the voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger.

some of the sounds: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

Most of the sounds: me (Esther Reisenberger)

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


39 – Breaking point.

38 – Come collect my soul.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
38 - Come collect my soul.



27.07.18. – An unexpected vist, and an informational phonecall.

*this episode contains a gun, just thought you should know*

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger, the voice of Audrey is Clara Palmisano and the voice of Reaper is Richard Reisenberger.

Gun sounds and maybe some others too are from: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

The other effects I recorded myself. Promise.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


38 – Come collect my soul.

37 – Moving things.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
37 - Moving things.



20.07.18. – I’ve found a solution and probably won’t be moving any time soon. Other things are moving though.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger, the voice of Sinister Smith is Martin Stich.

Crashing sound at the end: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

The other effects I recorded myself. Promise.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


37 – Moving things.

36 – Can we fix it?

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
36 - Can we fix it?



13.07.18. – I’m recovering mentally while trying to figure out what to do about my multitude of real world problems. (So nothing new then… but Audrey calls, so there’s that)

As allways the voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger. The voice of Rachel Porter aka one of The Twins is Iris Schafhauser and Audrey Travis is voiced by Clara Palmisano.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming… eventually)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


36 – Can we fix it?

35 – When will my reflection show?

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
35 - When will my reflection show?



06.07.18. – No current events this week. This week I’m walking down self help lane.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger.

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming… eventually)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


35 – When will my reflection show?

34 – The ins and outs of super powers.

Normally Ordinary
Normally Ordinary
34 - The ins and outs of super powers.



29.06.18. – I found out something very interesting about my own past in regards to Reapers serum. I’m also waiting for Gordon to come back so we can finally have that talk.

The voice of Emilia Travis is Esther Reisenberger, the voice of Gordon is Lukas Steger.

Crashing sound: http://www.freesfx.co.uk

Music: “Change the world” – Violin Version; by Esther Reisenberger; arr. by Clara Palmisano; 2018 (Full version with vocals coming)

Find out more on www.normally-ordinary.com


34 – The ins and outs of super powers.